Welcome to Good Shepherd School's Hot Lunch On-Line! You can use this user-friendly website to order your child's hot lunch orders and place clothing orders for the 2024-25 school year. If you have any questions please phone the office at 780-799-5763.
Our vendors for this year are:Boston Pizza, Chopped Leaf, Edo Japan, Subway, and Milano's!
Orders can be paid online with the following payment options: credit card and/or debit visa. You can also send in cash, or call the office with mastercard or visa- please allow one-three school days for your this payment to be accepted and verified on your account. You can check your account to ensure your payment has been verified. Any orders that have not been paid by that schedule deadline may be deleted and the order will not be proccessed.
You also have the option to put a pre-paid amount on your account so you do not have to pay monthly. This can only be done with debit, credit, or cash. You will still need to go on to your account each month when the schedule opens and input your order. The schedule deadline still applies each month.
Hot lunch schedules will be included in the monthly newsletter and week at a glance as well you will receive a weekly email reminder with your orders. Please pay close attention to these notifications.
If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Barnes at the office 780-799-5763 or email patti.barnes@fmcsd.ab.ca
Powered by Hot Lunches On-Line - www.hotlunches.net - - March 30, 2025 2:30pm - DB: Current 0
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